If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant. The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay, and number of entries in light of the specific conditions of the applicant. Express service needs approval from consular officials, and extra fees may apply.
Basic Documents
Passport Original personal passport with at least six months of remaining validity and with blank visa pages, a photocopy of the passport’s data page and the photo page. Please note that the remaining validity of the passport should be longer than the validity of the visa plus the duration of the visa.
Visa Application Form and Photo Form: Applicants are required to fill in an online application form. Photo: Applicants should upload a recently-taken color passport photo.
Photocopy of the information page and extension page (if applicable) of the passport.
Documents Regarding Short-term Study Visa (X2-Visa) Application
Short-term study visa (X2-visa) is issued to those intending to study in China for a period no more than 180 days.
Please provide the following documents which must be strictly in A4 size and submit your documents in the order of the checklist.
Original and photocopy of Admission Notice issued by a school or other entities in China.
Documents Regarding Visit Visa (F-Visa) Application
Visit Visa (F-visa) is issued to those who intend to go to China for exchanges, visits, study tours, and other activities.
Please provide the following documents which must be strictly in A4 size and submit your documents in the order of the checklist.
An official invitation letter issued by a relevant unit or individual in China. The invitation letter should contain: The invitation letter may be in the form of fax, photocopy, or computer printout, but the consular officer may require the applicant to submit the original of the invitation letter. An issuer of the invitation letter who is an individual in China should also provide a photocopy of his/her Chinese ID (both sides of ID Card).
Documents Regarding Tourist Visa (L-Visa) Application
Tourist visa (L-visa) is issued to those who intend to go to China as a tourist.
Please provide the following documents which must be strictly in A4 size and submit your documents in the order of the checklist.
Documents showing the itinerary including:
air ticket booking record (round trip)
proof of a hotel reservation, etc.
An Invitation Letter for Tourist issued by a relevant unit or individual in China. The invitation letter should contain: Information of the applicant (incl. full name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc.);Details of the planned visit (incl. arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, accommodation arrangements, etc.);Information of the inviting party (incl. name of organization or person concerned, contact telephone number, address, official stamp of the organization, signature of the legal representative or individual).The invitation letter may be in the form of fax, photocopy, or computer printout, but the consular officer may require the applicant to submit the original of the invitation letter. An issuer of the invitation letter who is an individual in China should also provide a photocopy of his/her Chinese ID (both sides of ID Card).
Summary table comparing the required documents for different types of visas to China
Student Visa (X2)
Business Visa (F)
Tourist Visa (L)
Original passport
Copy of information page and passport extension page
Completed visa application form with 2 photos
Documents proving travel itinerary (tickets, hotel bookings, etc.)
Invitation letter
Yes (from educational institution)
Yes (from Chinese company)
Yes (if applicable)
Copy of Chinese ID of the inviting person (if applicable)
Yes (if applicable)
Yes (if applicable)
Copy of parents’ passports or IDs (if minor)
Parental consent for travel (if one or both parents are not accompanying)
table comparing the required documents for different types of visas to China X2, F, L
For applicant under 18 years old, the following supplementary documents are required:
Photocopy of the unabridged birth certificate of the applicant.
Photocopy of the parents’ passports or ID cards.
The Affidavit from non-accompanying parent(s) authorizing the travel (Parental Letter of Consent). This affidavit should contain the dates of travel and the parents’ contact information.
Additional notes
The invitation letter can be faxed, copied or printed. Consular officers may request an applicant to provide the original of the invitation letter. The invitation letters from Chinese individuals should present the photocopy of the ID (applicable to those who apply for F, M, L, Q1, Q2, S1 and S2 visa).
Consular officers may request an applicant to provide additional supporting documents or conduct an interview when deemed necessary.
Whether a visa is to be issued or not, as well as the period of its validity, number of entries and duration of stay will be decided by consular officers according to the applicant’s actual situation.
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