Results of 12th Shaolin Kung Fu Festival 2018

С 19 по 23 октября 2018 года в мероприятии международного чемпионата по Шаолиньскому кунг-фу приняли участие более 2000 человек из более чем 60 стран и регионов мира.
This year’s Wushu festival represents countries and regions from all five continents. The organizing Committee decided to invite more countries “Belt and road”, increasing their number to 34. The age of the oldest of the athletes-participants — 79 years, the youngest — 2 years, the total number of Chinese and foreign teams — 240.
The first festival was held in 1991 with the participation of 381 athletes from 17 countries. This year, the exact figure is 2,212 participants from 65 countries. This year the festival celebrated its 27th anniversary.

The organizing Committee of the festival identified four teams that took part in the festival more than four times. One of these teams is the Association of Wushu of Ukraine.
Twenty one people were registered on behalf of our team. Twenty of them are my students from China and only one participant from another country is Alexey Karpov my student from Russia. We managed to win 18 gold medals, 26 silver and 6 bronze medals for the whole team at the festival. Alexey has 2 gold medals.